Bone & Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Bone and soft tissue sarcomas are the main types of sarcoma. Soft tissue sarcomas can develop from soft tissues like fat, muscle, nerves, fibrous tissues, blood vessels, or deep skin tissues. When the term sarcoma is part of the name of a disease, it means the tumor is malignant (cancer).Bone is living tissue that makes up the body’s skeleton.There are three types of bone tissue, including the following:

Compact tissue—the harder, outer tissue of bones.

Cancellous tissue—the sponge-like tissue inside bones.

Subchondral tissue—the smooth tissue at the ends of bones, which is covered with another type of tissue called cartilage. Cartilage is the specialized, gristly connective tissue that is present in adults, and the tissue from which most bones develop in children.